Blog - Page №16
How Habits Help You To Achieve Your Goals
Habits are those hidden powers that rule our lives. Useful habits help us to achieve our goals and bad ones hinder it, accordingly. In any case, habits have a great influence on our unconscious behaviour. The difference between a habit and a goal is not semantic - they work differently. For example: You want to learn a foreign language: this can be a desire to learn to speak fluently in six months (a goal) or a decision to practice for half an hour every day (a habit).
Read moreHow to Avoid Risks at Dismissal: a Step-by-step Manual
This article will be useful in the situation when you have already made a decision to leave for specific reasons but you don’t have a job offer from your future company yet and you are in quite a good relations with your current employer.
Read more3 Phrases That Can Neutralize Any Criticism Quickly
Every one of us has to listen to criticism from time to time - from relatives and friends, colleagues, clients, partners or just strangers. Our reaction can be different depending on our character, age, temperament and education. Sometimes we are just overwhelmed with the offence. What should we do in this situation? Can criticism be turned to your benefit? It can. If you use a magic formula that can neutralize any criticism. It sounds like: “yes - but - let’s…”. Step one.
Read more5 Crucial and Funny Mistakes in Vacancy Announcements
Nowadays a candidate looking for a job is surrounded by a great number of job offers - on the job sites, boards and of course, in advertisements. As a rule, the increased number of vacancy announcements leads to the fact that the candidate becomes picky while reviewing offers. Any mistake in the vacancy announcement may become fatal - the perfect candidate will simply “walk by”.
Read more12 Reasons Why Successful People Are Five Times More Effective Than You
You might know at least one unbelievably efficient person who can do more in a couple of hours that most of us do in a day. And most probably, this is a successful person. Good news: you can achieve such a success thanks to a few working habits. Of course, they don’t grant you an instant ascent but will help you to advance.
Read more3 Types of Group Conflicts Part 2
We continue to research the most common types of conflicts at work. The second type of conflicts: association “against” An example:
Read more3 Types of Group Conflicts Part 1
In this article, we will review 3 types of conflicts which arise in 70% of collectives. It is important to note that if these conflicts occur, there are no communications within the team. So, first things first. For years, we have been observing several problematic workgroups. These very workgroups have the same types of conflicts. They can be parallel, and some groups a certain type of conflict was the primary one and all the others were absent.
Read more5 Reasons For Losing the Interest in Work Because of the Boss
The professional burnout is a long process which leads to the complete indifference to the work duties, growing discontent with the colleagues, feeling of professional incapacity and general mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. There is a number of reasons that can provoke the burnout: dissatisfaction with life, unsolved personal problems, conflicts, bad temper. The work atmosphere, relations with the staff and the management have no less impact.
Read more5 Reasons to Study Vacancies Even If You Have a Job
“The very idea! I already have a job! I have things to do except that!” This seems to be a silly idea to read current job vacancies when everything is alright. However, the labour market is not like a soap opera with a happy ending: you have found your perfect employer and will live happily ever after… One day, the necessity to look for a job will arise (yes, again). Good if it is your own initiative and you have enough time.
Read more10 Ways To Manipulate People and Get What You Want
The right look There is a special look that will make people defer to you, acknowledge you as a strong opponent at the subconscious level. This look can be used in any dispute when you want to state that you must be taken into consideration and it is you who make decisions here. You should look into the person’s eyes, not at their surface but as if inside them, staring into the person’s soul.
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