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The Remote Work Revolution: Examining the Pros and Cons
Remote employment is becoming increasingly popular in today's digital age, with many businesses and individuals taking advantage of its flexible working arrangements. However, while remote work can be gratifying, there are also some potential pitfalls to consider before making the switch.
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Organizational success depends on the involvement and engagement of your staff. Employees who are actively involved in their work, and feel a sense of ownership towards it, will be more productive, creative, and efficient. That's why creating an environment that encourages staff involvement is important.
Read moreSpyrix Employee Monitoring Exposes Secret Business Ventures
The COVID-19 pandemic forced recruiting companies worldwide to shift to remote work, including conducting online job interviews. Our client's company was no different and began holding virtual interviews to maintain operations and stay afloat. However, the head of the company noticed a drop in productivity, which raised concerns and prompted an investigation.
Read moreThe Need For Remote Monitoring: All You Need To Know
Remote monitoring technologies simplify the process of maintaining surveillance on and protecting the hardware, software, and networks used in your organization.
Read moreProtecting a Teen Daughter through Parent Monitoring
Danielle and Robert always wanted their 16-year-old son Jayden to go to technical college. With the modern demand for IT specialists, they believed IT to be the best career path for him. Jayden lagged in Maths, so the parents found a tutor for him. Jayden was to visit extra classes with the tutor once a week. The parents trusted their son, so they did not pay the tutor directly but gave Jayden money, and he paid for the classes himself. Or so they thought.
Read moreIncreasing Importance Of Parental Control Over PCs: The Good And The Bad
Today's digital age adds new technology every minute, giving children access to things their parents never imagined. Of course, the Internet's status as the largest computer-based communication network makes it a unique gold mine of information. Given the wide variety of threats that children may find on the Internet, parents must educate their children about cyber safety.
Read moreHow Spyrix Helps Reveal Reasons for Unproductivity
In 2020, a small design company had to switch to working on a remote basis due to the Covid-19 pandemic. At first, the work continued as usual. The employees stayed productive and completed all the tasks well and on time. But over the year, their productivity began declining. It collapsed to the point when the designers required twice as much time for a task than before the pandemic. The company started losing clients who were not happy about the extended deadlines and poor communication. At that point, the head of the company decided to implement a monitoring system that would show how the employees spent their work hours and why their productivity was declining.
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Danielle and Robert always wanted their 16-year-old son Jayden to go to technical college. With the modern demand for IT specialists, they believed IT to be the best career path for him. Jayden lagged in Maths, so the parents found a tutor for him. Jayden was to visit extra classes with the tutor once a week. The parents trusted their son, so they did not pay the tutor directly but gave Jayden money, and he paid for the classes himself. Or so they thought.
Read moreMonitroing Children’s Social Media with Spyrix
George is the father of two girls, eight and nine years old. He did not allow his daughters to use the computer and the Internet because they were too young for such a treacherous place. But after much pleading, he finally capitulated on two conditions. First, the girls were allowed to use the home computer for no more than an hour a day. Second, he must know everything the girls did on the computer. Since George couldn't stand behind the girls' backs all the time and watch what they were doing, he began looking for other ways to monitor them. After research, he chose Spyrix Personal Monitor because this parental control app not only limits access to unwanted resources but also records everything that happens on the computer.
Read moreHow to increase the productivity of remote employees outside the office
One of the main challenges that come with remote work is ensuring that all of your employees can perform to the best of their abilities. While with remote work you might not be working from the same office as your employees, that does not mean you should not find new ways to increase their productivity levels even when they are away from the office.
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