Blog - Page №26 | Spyrix

Blog - Page №26


Keyloggers for Home Use

The idea of security and computers is not new. It has been something that has concerned people for many years. With the explosion of the internet, the idea of making sure your computer is safe has become even more important. Millions of dollars are spent every year on security programs for computers. These programs can prevent things such as viruses, worms and malware. If those types of predatory programs infected a computer, it can cause a big problem.

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MySpace Monitoring

Ensure Good Performance with MySpace Monitoring Have you ever taken time to think the kinds of people your kids are interacting with in MySpace account or the time they spend on this account? You can ensure that your kids are interacting with right people through MySpace monitoring system. This system is very useful particularly for the parents who have young kids attending school.

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Facebook Monitoring

Facebook Monitoring Is the Way to Ensure Performance in Education and Work Sector Facebook is one of the social sites that have contributed to under performance in work places as well as in schools by students. This is because a lot of time is wasted on Facebook prompting employees and students to forget their duties. As a result of this, experts have come up with Facebook monitoring systems.

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Invisible Keylogger

What Invisible Keylogger Can Do For You Spyrix Personal Monitor has invisible keylogger system that is very essential in computing activities. This is because the system has been designed to perform analysis and monitoring in computer usage. Therefore, any problem that may arise resulting from improper usage of computers, the problem is quarantined before it erupts and results to serious damage.

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Keeping the kids safe on the web today

Can you remember a time when the only worry parents had about their kids on a daily basis was if they would make it home in time for dinner? We can. Can you remember how old you were before you were allowed to have your own cell phone or computer, unsupervised? We can, and it was a lot older than the average child Internet user today.

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Keylogging from Spyrix: The Best in Ensuring Proper Work Performance Spyrix Personal Monitor has come up with various programs which have been engineered to cater for your monitoring needs. One of the programs that have been established is keylogging. This is a program whose functions have been enhanced in comparison to the past. Therefore, tracking of keys that have been struck on the keyboard has become easier and faster.

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Parental Control Software

In the 21 century, parents are trying hard to balance between the importance of internet and the dangers posed by it. This is because it contains all sorts of information that can either build or destroy their future. It is very difficult to always monitor what your child does on the internet on daily occasions. Parental control software is the only solution to such problems. This program is used to filter out any explicit sites that may contain adult materials.

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Parental Control

Guarantee The Safety Of Your Child Online Through Parental Control In this century, almost all information is readily on internet where it can be accessed on any time. This creates a need for parent to limit their children on the sites they visit that might affect their social and emotional life. Spyrix personal monitor parental control is a program that limits children from accessing adult material on the websites.

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How to protect your children from internet dangers with Spyrix Personal Monitor Software

With today’s advances in electronics, there are more devices than ever before that can be used to access the Internet. This also means that your children may possibly have more opportunities to get on sites like Twitter and Facebook, without your knowledge, or supervision. There are a lot of dangers, on those sites and others, lying in wait for your kids.

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