Which is better for parental control: Net Nanny or Webwatcher?

Gone are the days when smartphones was an exclusive item for adults. Kids now own iPhones and tablets. With internet accessibility becoming easier as the days go by, this means there is more to worry about what your kids’activities both online and offline on their mobile devices. No matter the amount of prying you do over your kids shoulder, knowing exactly what they are doing with their phones is never really easy. So how do you monitor your kid’s activity online without physically viewing their mobile devices every now and then? Well the answer lies in parental control mobile application.
Net Nanny vs. Webwatcher which is better
Before deciding on which mobile app to go for in monitoring your kids’ online activities, knowing the extent of monitoring is the first step. With loads of parental control software to choose from, we have narrowed them down to just two; Net Nanny and Webwatcher. They work well on all types of mobile devices inclusive of tablets. To better understand these two web applications, we have detailed their specifications and corresponding prices both for iOS and Android
Net Nanny
When it comes to parental control software, Net Nanny is a big name. Its high ranking makes it reliable software for parental monitoring. Whether the phone you want to monitor is an iPhone or Android, Net Nanny gives you proper control of your kid’s activity on the internet. Net Nanny Developers made easy for both versions of the software to be accessed on Net Nanny desktop account
Net Nanny for iPhone
Pricing: To put a control over one phone, Net Nanny will cost you $4.99
Specification: Unique features of Net Nanny is its internet filtering system, safe searching feature, profanity masking that overrides Safari’s browser default settings. With Net Nanny, unwanted sites are blocked on your kid’s mobile browser, limiting sites they can access. The good thing about Net Nanny browser is that it does what other conventional browsers do. Opening of multiple tabs, bookmarking favorite websites etc. the application also allows you determine the extent of monitoring you can do for your child.
Net Nanny for iPhones can be accessed on Apple stores
Net Nanny for Android devices
Pricing: It costs about $12.99 to monitor a single Android device per annum. Net Nanny for android devices comes with a 14 days trial period
Specifications: Net Nanny for Android devices varies significantly from its iPhone counterpart. One major distinctive feature between the two is that whereas Net Nanny replaces the default browser in iPhones, it does not on Android. The wide gap in their pricing is that Android version of Net Nanny gives you more protection than iOS version of the app does. Android app allows you know exactly what your child is viewing via email notifications, blocks profane websites, stronger filtering and creates a profile for your kid based on their age. The app allows you access to it as no matter where your child may be. Good enough, Android version of Net Nanny offers time control of your kids’ device. As you can see the price difference between the two versions of the app is worth it.
In terms of ranking, comes third on our own ranking, but amazingly it is much expensive than other parental control software. In spite of their over the roof cost, its ranks high on most mobile app stores. One sweet thing about it is that it works stealthily without your child knowing it is even there unless maybe you decide to tell them. Let’s take a look at its pricing and specification
WebWatcher for iOS devices
Pricing: To protect a single iOS device, you must be willing to spend between $99.95 to $160. Discounts are provided on NextAdvisor
Specs: WebWatcher goes beyond just monitoring your child’s online activities to telling you exactly what they are doing with their phones. You get to see every single site your child visited by providing a comprehensive web history, sent and received text messages, call log and then every picture your child views. It also lets you know your current child’s GPS location. An invasive technology you must agree.
WebWatcher for Android devices
Pricing: To download this app from Google store, you will have to spend $110
Specs: WebWatcher for Android devices functions the same way its iOS counterpart works. Some of its functionalities include providing your kid’s GPS location, all text messages that left and entered your child’s phone, all pictures and videos your child view, phone calls especially to unknown phone numbers and a comprehensive web history report. Your child is barely aware of all this due to the stealth mode of the app.
There you have it, the two most powerful parental control applications. The choice is then up to you. If you don’t want to dig too deep into your kid’s activities, you want something just basic Net Nanny is your best bet. But if you want to get very invasive, want to know every single move your child makes, WebWatcher holds the answer. So you will agree that unlike Net Nanny that just block off unfriendly websites on your kids’ phone, WebWatcher does so much more. So the difference in their pricing is very justifiable.