11 Reasons Why Your Employees are Loafing Around – Troubleshooting Tips | Spyrix

If Your Employees Are Loafing Around, You Are Probably Doing These 11 Things Wrong


If your employees are working without enthusiasm, loafing around openly and showing low productivity, it is high time to admit: the problem is yours, not theirs.


Negligence causes negligence

I have run into a quote recently: “People come for the bright perspectives to the company but leave it because of the poor management”. Low productivity performance of a team (sometimes even of the whole business) often means only that there is something wrong with the management. If the employees see that you don’t care about the company, they will act the same way.  Bad habits catch on and negligence causes negligence.

Another common situation is that the personnel feels like they are small screws in a big mechanism, but not members of the team who can make decisions and influence the workflow of the company. In this case, you can forget about huge success.

Typical mistakes of the poor management

Here are the typical mistakes of the head that make employees cut corners and look for a new job:

  1. You are too busy to meet and talk to your employees in person. Or you constantly delay meetings with them.

  2. You force your own decisions on others with your obstinacy and authority without thinking how these decisions can affect them.

  3. You demand that everything is done as soon as possible (better yesterday) and don’t let people do their work well.

  4. You don’t discuss the goals of the company with your personnel - they have no idea why all this is done and why they have to work hard.

  5. The employees have to work in a messy, uncomfortable and oppressive environment. Going to work is a real torture for them.

  6. You argue with everyone who doubts the propriety of your ideas.

  7. You demand that your employees solve the problem by themselves, but everyone knows that they cannot do it without you.

  8. You don’t mark the achievements and important events in the life of your company.

  9. You never thank your personnel for the well-done work.

  10. You care only about performance and numbers.

  11. You are unable to see the company through your employees’ eyes.

If even some points of this list are about you, it is time for you to think them over. In the end, a wise leader is distinguished by the ability to admit mistakes and work to correct them.