Spyrix Free Keylogger
FREEWARE v.11.7.5 Mar 27, 2025Select the antivirus that you use:
For correct operation of Spyrix, apply the following configuration settings in your antivirus software program:
Step 1. Temporarily disable your anti-virus protection.
Step 2. Go to your antivirus settings and add the following folder to the list of exclusions:
Step 3. Now you can install Spyrix
Configuring Avast for the correct work of Spyrix Free Keylogger
Step 1. Open Avast interface and temporarily disable its protection: right-click the tray icon in the lower right corner of the screen next to clock and select – Avast Shields Control -> Disable for 1 hour.
Then click OK to agree.
Step 2. Open Avast interface and click "Menu" button in the top right corner of the program. Click "Settings"
Go to General > Exceptions.
Click the button "Add Exception" and add the program folder.
You can type in the program folder or simply copy and paste it to the exceptions window.
Step 3. Now you have configured Avast and you can continue to download and install Spyrix Free Keylogger
Configuring AVG for the correct work of Spyrix
Step 1. Open AVG interface and temporarily disable its protection: right-click the tray icon in the lower right corner of the screen next to clock and click the green dot to turn protection OFF.
Then click OK to agree.
Step 2. Open AVG interface and click "Menu" button in the top right corner of the program. Click "Settings"
Go to General > Exceptions.
Click the button "Add Exception" and add the program folder.
You can type in the program folder or simply copy and paste it to the exceptions window.
Step 3. Now you have configured AVG and you can continue to download and install Spyrix
Configuring ESET for the correct work of Spyrix
Step 1. Open ESET interface and temporarily disable its protection: right-click the tray icon in the lower right corner of the screen next to clock and select – Pause protection > Pause for 1 hour.
Click "Apply".
Step 2. Open ESET interface and click "Setup" in menu to the left. Click "Computer protection".
Then click the cog icon to edit exclusions.
Now click "Add" in the lower left corner.
Type in the program path or simply copy and paste it to the exceptions window.
Click OK to confirm.
Step 3. Now you have configured ESET and you can continue to download and install Spyrix
Configuring McAfee for the correct work of Spyrix Free Keylogger
Due to the specific nature of our program, McAfee may mistake it for a virus and block the download or the activity of the program.
Spyrix is official software for computer monitoring and it doesn't contain any viruses.
To continue the download, please click "Accept the risk".
Configuring Norton for the correct work of Spyrix Free Keylogger
Step 1. Open Norton interface and temporarily disable its protection: right-click the tray icon in the lower right corner of the screen next to clock and select – Disable Auto-Protect.
Select "1 hour"
Then click OK to agree.
Step 2. Open Norton interface and click "Settings" button in the top right corner of the program.
Select "Antivirus" > "Scans and Risks" > "Exclusions / Low Risks" > "Configure"
Click the button "Add Folders" and add the program folder.
You can type in the program folder or simply copy and paste it to the exceptions window.
Then click OK to agree.
Step 3. Now you have configured Norton and you can continue to download and install Spyrix Free Keylogger